High Capacity Media, AI, and Telecom solutions for Cloud, Edge, Robotics, and IoT products

generic image showing signal processing waveform display
generic radar screen image
generic image showing motion and object detection from video frame grabs

Signalogic ® delivers HPC (High Performance Computing) telecom, media and deep learning solutions for server, Edge, robotics, and IoT targets, as both applications and libraries for bare-metal, VM, and container platforms. We emphasize high capacity, reliability, public cloud independency, and superior media processing and quality.

RobotHPC™ Robotics HPC Edge Platform

EdgeStream Software

Telecom and Media Applications and Libraries

Deep Learning Applications and Libraries

Technical Articles

More About Signalogic

RobotHPC Robotics HPC Edge Platform

The RobotHPC robotics HPC edge platform enables high performance, computationally intensive onboard processing in small and low-power form-factors. Examples include multi-thousand image and word recognition and failure prediction in mobile robots, drones, automatic vehicles, emergency and maintenance vehicles, and more. When the Internet is not available -- or when it is and data privacy and cost-efficiency are key requirements -- the RobotHPC platform enables your application.

image showing RobotHPC (tm) software architecture diagram, including functionality assigned per CPU core in a small form-factor, low energy usage ASR platform

The RobotHPC platform is a combined software + hardware solution designed for smart, capable, and safe robots, avoiding public cloud limitations and privacy issues. Examples include:

  • Mobile robots - implement 20,000 word vocabulary speech recognition for human safety / emergency situations, regardless of WiFi or Internet dropout. Prioritize human safety above all else by allowing people to warn off / pause robot activity

  • Factory robots - add human safety and hands-free commands with "zero trust operation" — no background conversation or proprietary factory sounds sent to public clouds. Incorporate failure prediction algorithms as needed

  • Drones - enable onboard image recognition, coordination, and other real-time functionality with no cloud dependency

  • Vehicle automation - implement add-on / after-market safety and driver assist products such as small form-factor Lidar

EdgeStream Edge Streaming Platform

The EdgeStream™ edge computing streaming platform delivers data plane packets with highest QoS to/from edge nodes. Architected for high performance high capacity, reliability, and media quality, EdgeStream enables a wide range of edge computing applications: telecom, transcoding, lawful interception / intelligence, speech recognition and speaker ID, and RTP malware detection. EdgeStream includes optimized modules for packet processing, signal processing, and media quality enhancement, and when combined with DirectCore®, an option for hardware acceleration.

Telecom and Media Applications and Libraries

DeepLI™ Lawful Interception Software Solution, high capacity lawful interception, including transcoding, stream merging, speech recognition, and diarization

Github SDK for telecom and LI software, including ready-to-run demos and pcaps, high quality output audio, OpenLI support, and codecs available for test and measurement

EVS Codec, optimized for telecom, media, and analytics multithread, high capacity applications. Other available codecs include AMR, AMR-WB, G729, G726, and MELPe

Deep Learning Applications and Libraries

ASR Offloading, Edge computing ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) with Kaldi, the leading ASR open source

SigDL Github overview page

PaTest demo page, predictive analytics application that applies algorithms and deep learning to continuous log data in order to predict failure anomalies

HPC Applications and Libraries

OpenCV Accelerator, process 100s of real-time livefeeds

ffmpeg Accelerator, reduce your cost-per-stream by 5x

NFV Transcoding solution

More About Signalogic

For edge computing applications we are expert in low-heat, low-SWaP implementations. For deep learning, we can deliver model design, compression, and high real-time performance.  The company has extensive background in signal processing, telecom, media delivery, embedded systems, and heterogeneous computing environments.  This mix of skills and disciplines gives Signalogic a competitive edge in delivering server-ready x86 solutions and mixed computing solutions including Nvidia Tegra SoC, Atom x5, ARM, Movidius, and Texas Instruments c66x.

Ask about our HPC robotics, telecom, media, and deep learning solutions